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Collection Development Policies

Collection Development Policies

The North Pole Middle School library is a carefully cultivated collection. We strive to be inclusive and maintain items that honor students both as individuals and as members of our learning community. Serving a wide range of ages and grade levels means that our library contains books appropriate for remedial to advanced readers. We honor each family's choice for their child(ren) and their child(ren) alone. Our library contains books that students can read and see themselves in like a mirror as well as those they can read and see into another person's lived experience, real or imaginary, like a door or window.

Our collection is aligned to the FNSBSD adopted curriculum and follows the professional standards for collection development and resource alignment outlined by the American Library Association and this district and supports collection interest and requests from library stakeholders including staff, students and parents.

FNSBSD Policy 921.4 Continued

More detailed information on Policy 921.4 and how it is used in practice for school librarians.

FNSBSD Policy 921.4: Selection of Instructional Materials - Library/Media Materials Selection

This is the Fairbanks North Star Borough's policy on the selection of materials for school libraries. We honor this policy and follow it as a guide when adding and removing resources from our collection