Student Handbook
The administration and staff would like to welcome you to North Pole Middle School. We have an amazing staff focused on creating a safe, engaging, and cheerful environment where learning is fun. Our goal is to provide opportunities for memorable experiences along with a top-notch education. We encourage you to explore opportunities and participate in the many activities sponsored at NPMS. The information in this handbook was carefully prepared to help you succeed at NPMS and is in compliance with the State of Alaska Department of Education and Fairbanks North Star Borough School District policies.
A good program of interscholastic competition is available to North Pole Middle School students. To be eligible to participate in any sport, students must have completed the proper documents and meet NPMS eligibility requirements.
Students will need to following forms to be completed and turned into school Athletic Director prior to tryouts or the first practice:
- “Activity Consent” form signed by parent/guardian.
- “Concussion Awareness” form signed by parent/guardian.
- "Sports Physical” form completed.
Academic Eligibility:
- Students are required to be passing every class and have a minimum G.P.A. of 2.0 to play.
- Formal grade checks will be completed at quarter and mid-quarter. Students must maintain eligibility throughout the season to play.
- Ineligible students will be placed on probation but are allowed to practice, but not compete or travel.
- Ineligible students have two weeks from the time they are declared ineligible to raise grades.
- Students placed on probation must get grade checks for the remainder of the season. If at any time they fall below the requirements again, student is off the team for the remainder of the season.
- Suspended students are not allowed to participate in activities until the day after suspension is over.
A student must be in attendance the entire school day in order to practice or participate in any extracurricular activity. Activities on non-school days require full attendance on the school day prior to the activity. Exceptions may be requested prior to the absence and approved by a school administrator. (Example: Student has an excused absence to miss one period due to a dentist appointment).
Assemblies are given for the benefit of all students and are designed to be fun and educational. Students should conduct themselves in the following manner:
- Enter and leave the assembly in a respectful manner.
- Sit in the assigned area.
- When the speaker steps to the podium or begins speaking, this is the signal to become quiet and listen.
- Show respect by not talking while the speaker is talking.
- Participate and have fun!
Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is a key factor in the success of students. Teachers record attendance each period of the school day. NPMS uses an automated phone caller system to alert parents/guardians of absences. Parents may also use “Power School Premier’s” online program to check attendance and grades.
Closed Campus Policy:
For the safety and security of students, they cannot leave the campus after arrival except in the company of the parent/guardian or an approved adult listed in the Power School records. Students must obtain permission from parent/guardian to leave the campus for any reason and notify the school office. Students must sign out at the office when leaving and sign in upon returning to school.
Signing out of School:
If students need to leave before the end of school, they must bring a note to the office signed by parent/guardian with a specific time to be picked up. At that time an out-of-school pass will be issued. If the student does not have a signed note, the parent/guardian must come to the office to sign out the student. It is the policy of NPMS that the parent/guardian or the designees listed in Power School can sign the student out of school. In special circumstances, other individuals indicated by the parent/guardian may sign out student. Per school district policy and for the safety of students, NPMS will not release student to anyone not approved in the Power School contacts.
When an absence occurs:
- Parent/guardian should call the main office at 907-488-2271 extension 40502 to excuse the absence. They have up to 48 hours to excuse absences.
- If parent/guardian is unable to call, students may bring a note from home within 48 hours of returning to school. The note must list student’s full name, day of absence(s), reason for the absence, and signed by parent/guardian.
- After returning to school, students should check in with teachers to discuss missing assignments and decide on a time work will be due.
- In case of extended illness of two days or more, parent/guardian may request missing assignments by contacting the office at 907-488-2271. Teachers have up to 24 hours to compile assignments and bring it to the office where it can be picked up.
Prearranged Absences:
Families should notify the school if student plans on missing an extended period of time so teachers have time to make special arrangements for the student. We ask for a two-week notice to allow teachers the time to compile work. These are the guidelines:
- Parent/guardian will inform NPMS dates student will be absent.
- Student will take a “Prearranged Absence” form to be signed by teachers then return the completed form to the main office prior to absence.
- Teachers will provide student assignments.
- Students are responsible to make sure they have all assignments before they leave… and to complete assigned work per teacher’s instructions.
Tardy to School:
If late to school, students must go to the office to sign in. An admit slip will be issued at that time for student to give to their teacher. This will be an “Excused Tardy” if student brings a signed note by the parent/guardian or phone call is made to the office to excuse (within 48 hours).
- Students more than ten minutes late to class will be considered “absent” for that class period.
- Excessive tardiness can lead to disciplinary consequences.
- Excessive tardiness may result in temporary suspension from any team or club activities until tardiness is noticeably reduced.
Bicycles, motorized vehicles, scooters, skateboards, roller blades, snow machines, ATVs
Observe safety rules at all times. Students must walk their bicycle or scooter while on school property. Bicycles and scooters should be parked at bike racks. The school is not responsible for theft, so lock your property.
Skateboards/roller blades:
Students should pick up and walk their skateboard once they are on school property. Skateboards and roller blades/skates are not allowed to be used inside the school. They should be kept in student’s locker for the day.
Snow machines and All-Terrain Vehicles:
Students are not allowed to drive any powered vehicle to and from school.
Book Bags/Backpacks/Outside Coats
These items should be kept in student’s locker during the regular school day. Exceptions have to be approved by the principal.
Building Hours
Office hours are from 7:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Classes at NPMS begin promptly at 7:50 a.m. and are dismissed at 2:20 p.m. on the normal bell schedule. Visitors will need to go immediately to the front office to check in.
Student Arrivals in the Morning:
- Front doors open at 7:00 a.m. for students to enter.
- Parents may drop off children at the main entrance by the flagpole.
- Buses usually arrive at 7:30 a.m.
- Upon arrival, students gather in the cafeteria where they can sit and eat breakfast if so desired.
- The bell will ring at 7:30 a.m. which allows students to leave the cafeteria to visit lockers and their first class.
After School Dismissal:
- At the dismissal bell, students not staying after school for specific activities should immediately go to their locker if needed then proceed to buses, wait by the flagpole for pick-up, or leave school grounds.
- Students remaining after school for specific activities should promptly go to their assigned area. Once the activity/program concludes, students should leave the building immediately or wait in the front entryway for their ride to pick them up.
- Students in and around school without a legitimate reason will be asked to leave campus.
- Parents are asked to notify the office if their child needs to remain in school after the school day due to unforeseen circumstances.
- Students from outside the NPMS attendance area who ride city buses are required to leave on the first available city bus after school, or on the first bus after the extra-curricular program or event in which they participated.
- Hanging out in the building without adult supervision is not allowed.
- Students are not allowed to hang out at North Pole Elementary campus unless they are there to pick up a sibling or have a legitimate reason... have checked in with the NPE office.
Bus Transportation
Bus transportation is contracted through Durham School Services (907-206-7789). Rules are implemented to protect the safety of students.
Bus Rules:
Each driver has a posted set of rules that have been developed by the school district’s transportation office. Students are also responsible for following all NPMS policies/rules while riding on the bus. The rules state:
- The driver is in full charge of the bus and students. Students must obey the driver’s instructions without delay.
- Bus drivers are required to assign seats.
- Students must remain seated while bus is in motion.
- Ordinary conversation will be allowed at a reasonable sound level.
- Students should remember any action that distracts the bus driver creates a safety hazard.
- Students will be picked up and dropped off at their regularly scheduled bus stop only.
- Windows may be opened with permission of the bus driver or bus monitor. Students may not extend any part of their body outside the window.
- Proper conduct in the bus loading/unloading zone is expected.
- Students must leave the bus in an orderly manner. If it is necessary to cross the highway/street, follow the directions from the bus driver and cross in front of the bus.
- A reminder that bus transportation is provided by the school district is a privilege, not a right. Failure to observe rules may result in denial of bus transportation.
- Bus drivers will notify NPMS administration of infractions.
Bus Deviations:
Students will need a “Bus Deviation Pass” if they need to change bus stops or ride another bus. The office staff will issue the bus deviation to student. Parent/Guardian must provide a written note or email to the office in the morning before class. For security reasons, parent/guardian may not call NPMS for a bus deviation. Only written permission is allowable.
Once the student is on board the bus at the end of the day, only their parent/guardian may remove student from the bus. Parent/guardian must come to the office and show ID prior to buses’ departure and receive administrative approval.
Bus Routes Application:
GPS is now installed on all school buses. The school district has made available for families to track the progress of school bus routes.
Change of Address or Contact Information
Notify the front office of any changes. Schools need accurate information in case of emergencies.
Code of Conduct
NPMS wants to create a fun and safe learning environment for everyone. It is important to be respectful, courteous, and follow rules:
Basic Campus Rules:
- Be courteous to everyone.
- Be on time for class.
- Respect other people and their property.
- Bring required materials to class every day.
- Leave backpack and outside winter coats in your locker.
- Participate in class.
- Get classwork completed on time.
- Have a documented HALL PASS (to include E-PASS) when not in the classroom or required area.
- Obscenity and profanity anywhere on campus is unacceptable.
- Harassment and bullying are not allowed... to include cyber.
- Use indoor voices in the building… don’t scream or yell.
- Walk, do not run in the building.
- No play-fighting or other forms of horseplay on campus.
- Throwing snowballs/ice is not allowed on campus or at bus stops.
- Respond to STAFF direction at all times (even if that person is not your teacher).
Activities and School Sponsored Events:
- School rules apply to all school events whether activity/event is after hours, on a non-school day, or off-campus. School rules apply to everyone in attendance including adults.
Contacting Students During the School Day
Technology has completely changed many aspects of our lives for the good. NPMS encourages the use of innovation and technology in our classrooms to prepare students for the future. The downside of technology is the distractions cell phones cause in the educational environment. Unchecked, many students would spend the day on social media, listening to music, or playing video games.
NPMS believes that parents support policies to promote the best academic environment for learning while still keeping them safe. The restrictions placed on student cell phones during the school day are designed to eliminate distractions. Students are not allowed to use their cell phone/electronic devices from the time school starts until school ends. Keeping this in mind, NPMS respectfully asks that communication and/or messages to students be conducted in the following manner:
- Contact the office during the school day if you need to get a message to your child.
- Student messages will be delivered quickly throughout the day. All EMERGENCY messages as determined by a parent/guardian will be delivered immediately!
- There are exceptions for students who carry cell phone/electronic device at all times for medical reasons (ex: Type 1 diabetic uses blood sugar monitoring system) with administrative approval.
- Office telephones are available to students to make phone calls.
Counselors are here to help students. Students can drop by the Counseling Office to sign up to see their counselor. Except for emergencies, students need a pass to see a counselor.
Dances and Social Events
School dances and Socials are sponsored by various NPMS organizations as a fundraising mechanism. Proceeds go directly to these organizations. These are the guidelines:
- All attendees must be NPMS students unless authorized by administration.
- Students must meet activities eligibility requirements and be in good standing to attend; without major behavior issues.
- Once student leaves the event, they are not allowed to return unless they were accompanied by a school chaperone.
- The school dress code is in effect at all times... although administration may modify based on the event.
- Students are required to dance respectfully; face-to-face with space in between other students.
Students are not allowed to receive deliveries during the school day. Deliveries can be disruptive to class and office staff are too focused on performing their primary duties to coordinate the delivery of such items.
NPMS follows the “Student Rights, Responsibilities & Behavioral Consequences Handbook” defined by School Board Policies, Administrative Regulations, and State and Federal Statutes.
Dress Code
Allowable Dress:
- Students must wear clothing including both shirt with pants, dress or skirt, or the equivalent, and shoes.
- Skirt, shirts, tops, and dresses must have fabric in the front, back, and on the sides. No "Spaghetti" straps.
- Clothing must cover undergarments.
- Fabrics covering private parts must not be see-through.
- Hats or headwear are allowed to be worn with the following conditions. Hats/headwear must allow face, eyes, and ears to be visible from the front/side and not interfere with the line of sight of others in the classroom environment.
- Clothing and shoes must be suitable for all scheduled classroom activities including physical education, science labs, wood shop classes, and other activities where unique hazards exist. Students taking "PE" classes should wear comfortable athletic footwear that lace and provide proper support. Students is woodshop or science labs are required to wear footwear that covers and protects their feet.
- All clothing should be clean and free of bad odors.
- Students are allowed to wear fragrances in moderation. Excessive use of fragrances can be distracting and cause issues to those with allergies.
- Exceptions to dress code based on medical, religious, or cultural reasons should be reviewed with administration.
Non-allowable Dress:
- Clothing may not depict, advertise, or advocate the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, other controlled substances, and any associated products.
- Clothing may not depict or advertise pornography or nudity.
- Clothing may not use presumed/implied profanity/vulgarity.
- Clothing may not use or depict hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or any other protected groups.
- Clothing may not include gang identifiers and must not threaten the health or safety of any student or staff.
- Bandanas are not allowed to be worn on any part of the body.
- Hoodie tops are not allowed to cover head.
- If the student’s attire is purposely divisive or intends to upset others with an opposing viewpoint or if it threatens the health and safety of any other person.
- Student attire would include clothing, accessories, tattoos, or drawings.
- Face or body marking/painting is not acceptable unless approved by administration.
- Sunglasses are not to be worn inside the school building.
- If a student’s attire causes a disruption to the educational environment, NPMS administration will address the student and/or contact parent/guardian.
Electronic Devices
Any device deemed to be harmful or distracting (Example: laser pointers) are not allowed. Device will be confiscated and returned to a parent/guardian by administration.
Cell phone Rules:
- Cell phones should be silenced and put away prior to school start time until school dismisses. Students are not allowed to use cell phones during the school day.
- Cell phones cannot be used in the hallways.
- These same rules apply to the wearing of headphones and ear pods... unless this is part of an educational lesson approved by teacher.
- There are exceptions based on medical reasons... but should be reviewed with and approved by administration.
Cell Phone Infractions:
- First Offense: Device will be confiscated and available for student to pick up at the front office after school.
- Second Offense: Device will be confiscated and available for student to pick up at the front office after school. Parent/guardian is notified.
- Third Offense: Device will be confiscated. Parent/guardian will have to pick up cell phone.
Emergency Drills
Students will receive instruction on how to properly participate safely in an earthquake, fire, lock down, and intruder alert drills. Participating and practicing is an important safety precaution. Students are expected to follow staff directions promptly to ensure they know how to function in a real emergency.
Students/teacher assigned student groups are expected to complete their own work and not plagiarize from other sources. Artificial intelligence applications should not be used to complete work unless approved by teacher.
Honor Roll
NPMS celebrates academic achievement every quarter with Honor Roll presentations. Students will need a minimum of a 3.75 grade point average for the quarter to be eligible for Honor Roll.
All school lockers are the property of NPMS and can be searched in compliance with district policy. Students will be assigned lockers (hallway, PE, music) on the first day of school. Students are expected to follow the rules:
- Do not give out your combination to other students.
- Do not share locker.
- Close the door and twist the combination to lock. Do not leave lockers open.
- Do not hit, kick, or slam lockers.
- Report to the office if locker is not working.
- Students are responsible for keeping the inside and outside of locker clean.
- Keep locker clear of any items that have a strong odor.
- Only approved signs are allowed on outside of lockers.
- Students are allowed to tastefully decorate the inside/outside of locker.
- Students are financially responsible for any mistreatment of their locker.
The library is available to students before school, during lunch (with a PASS), and after school. Students wanting a library pass during lunch will need to obtain one from Librarian before lunch. Students will need a PASS from their teacher to use the library during class time. The library offers a wide variety of books, magazines, and digital resources. Librarians will assist with research, answer computer questions, or help locate a good book. Books are checked out for two weeks and can be renewed upon request. Students are responsible for maintaining and returning books including textbooks.
Lost and Found
Small items like watches, earrings, and electronic devices will be placed in the main office “Lost and Found”. Larger items will be placed in a “Lost and Found” area in the hallway near the main office.
NPMS runs a daily hot meal breakfast/lunch program. Parents/guardians can sign up for the free/reduced meal program through the district website. Students are expected to follow the following rules:
- Go immediately to the line to purchase food items, or
- Go immediately to a table and sit down.
- Remain seated while eating.
- Ask permission from an adult to leave the cafeteria; use restroom, etc.
- Treat all cafeteria personnel with respect.
- Keep your area clean.
- Use your inside voice.
- Clean up any mess and throw away any trash.
- Use the hand towels provided to wipe down the table.
Students may go to recess when finished eating based upon availability of space. Make sure the table and floor around you is clean.
Students will need a signed HALL PASS prior to lunch if they need to go to another part of the building during lunch; lunch detention, make up tests, Library, etc.
Students may not take food or drinks (except for water) out of the cafeteria. Exceptions can be made by school administrators for special events. Energy or caffeinated drinks are not allowed at NPMS and should not be brought into the building.
Students should go directly to the Nurse if it is an emergency. Otherwise, Nurse or teacher will write a hall pass.
Administering Medicines to Students:
The parent/guardian must advise the Nurse of medications to be taken while at school. Except as directed by a physician or medical provider, the medication must be left with the Nurse who will administer.
Prescription Medicine:
Students are not allowed to carry or self-administer prescription medicine on their own while at school. A student may be permitted to carry, store, and self-administer asthma in halers or auto injectable epinephrine in accordance with the requirements in Alaska Statute 14.30.141.
Medications will be administered to students by school personnel after parent/guardian has completed the district’s “Request for Administration of Medication” form.
Non-Prescribed Medicines
6th Graders: Non-prescription medications may not be self-administered while at school except as directed in writing by a physician/medical provider AND parent. With the prior approval of the parent/guardian, the Nurse will administer nonprescription medication listed on the standing orders approved by the district’s medical advisor.
7th and 8th Graders: Non-prescription medications may be self-administered but the medication must be in the original container and have ONLY the amount required for that school day. The Nurse may administer nonprescription medications listed on the standing orders approved by the district’s medical advisor, or for which the student’s parent/guardian has provided prior written permission.
Emergency Care Provider (When Parent is out of town):
Only persons listed in the “Power School” contact list can pick up student from school. Parent/guardian should notify the school if they will be out of town and someone else is responsible for their child’s care.
Public Displays of Affection
Schools are social environments where friendships develop. However, there are some displays of affection not appropriate while at school. These would include:
- Prolonged hugging/embracing
- Holding hands
- Kissing
- Actions deemed inappropriate by staff
Selling or Advertising Goods or Services
Selling or exchanging goods or services by students is not allowed on campus unless it has been approved by administration. Signs and posters should not be displayed without the principal's approval.
Computer Devices:
Schools provide a variety of computer devices for student use. Students are expected to follow staff instructions on the proper use of this technology. Students are expected to treat all devices with care. Students will be responsible for any damage caused by mistreatment.
Internet use is a privilege and is monitored by the school district. Any student who engages in improper use of the internet may lose this privilege. Student login information should never be shared with another student.
Students and staff should take pride in their school. A lot of hard work goes into maintaining the facility. Students are expected to treat everything in the building with respect. Vandalism of school property is a criminal act and will not be tolerated. Students are expected to report any acts of vandalism to the school staff.